Today is my last day of work for the next two months. Mmmm, two months. That really has a nice ring to it if I do say so, myself. I'm almost not able to mentally process having so much free time on my hands, though. It's strange, but in our resoundingly capitalist, progress-oriented society, giving ourselves permission to do things completely against the grain (e.g. taking personal time when you need it) can be a really non-trivial thing.
It is the beginning of the harvest season, though. I suppose there is no small irony that my new journey begins now...
EDIT: There's also no small irony that today I received my 5yr anniversary award at work - a globe-shaped "crystal" candy dish, with the world (i.e. all the continents) and my name etched into it.
"Wheel's Up" @ 8:30am tomorrow.
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