Getting back from Kutna Hora was mildly interesting. We caught a 5pm bus for 70Kc...that dropped everyone off at a metro station on the outskirts of Prague, rather than at the Florenc station. I also didn't have change to buy metro tickets and there's no means of getting change, unless you find a nice person who can break something into small coins. I didn't. Anyway, we hopped on the metro sans tickets and had to switch metro lines at the main station to get back to the hostel. Not a big deal in the sceme of things, but I was mildly paranoid that the "black rider" ticket guy was going to catch us w/out tickets & fine us the 400Kc (~$16USD)...which would've sucked... (I mean, come on, 400Kc is like 1-2 good classical concerts...)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Kutna Hora ossuary
Yesterday, I went to the ossuary (i.e. bone church) in Kutna Hora. A nice gay guy from my dorm at the hostel (who was curiously from Denton, TX - of all places) tagged along because he also wanted to go and had no idea how to get there on his own. We walked to the Prague Florenc bus station, caught the bus to Kutna Hora w/minutes to spare, and had an easy 1.5hr trip for the bargain price of 76Kc. Fortunately, once in Kutna Hora, there was an information map at the bus station and we figured out how to get to the ossuary on foot. (I had no idea about where it was in relation to the bus station; I just chose the bus because it's cheaper and, frankly, I prefer buses to trains because I'm strange like that.)
The ossuary, itself, was impressive, curious, and much smaller than I expected. I suppose it could be viewed as controversial (i.e. exploitative), but I choose to look at it from an artistic perspective that expresses the impermanence of life and tries to create something beautiful out of death. So, I loved it. It seemed fitting that I light a candle there, amongst so many others that have died, for those that have passed away in my life this year...
Getting back from Kutna Hora was mildly interesting. We caught a 5pm bus for 70Kc...that dropped everyone off at a metro station on the outskirts of Prague, rather than at the Florenc station. I also didn't have change to buy metro tickets and there's no means of getting change, unless you find a nice person who can break something into small coins. I didn't. Anyway, we hopped on the metro sans tickets and had to switch metro lines at the main station to get back to the hostel. Not a big deal in the sceme of things, but I was mildly paranoid that the "black rider" ticket guy was going to catch us w/out tickets & fine us the 400Kc (~$16USD)...which would've sucked... (I mean, come on, 400Kc is like 1-2 good classical concerts...)
Getting back from Kutna Hora was mildly interesting. We caught a 5pm bus for 70Kc...that dropped everyone off at a metro station on the outskirts of Prague, rather than at the Florenc station. I also didn't have change to buy metro tickets and there's no means of getting change, unless you find a nice person who can break something into small coins. I didn't. Anyway, we hopped on the metro sans tickets and had to switch metro lines at the main station to get back to the hostel. Not a big deal in the sceme of things, but I was mildly paranoid that the "black rider" ticket guy was going to catch us w/out tickets & fine us the 400Kc (~$16USD)...which would've sucked... (I mean, come on, 400Kc is like 1-2 good classical concerts...)
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