Saturday, August 21, 2010

Belfast and N.I.

I slowly bussed my way from Galway to Belfast, by way of the Dublin airport. It was the cheapest and quickest route I could easily figure out. I honestly don't know what I expected to find in Belfast; what I found, though, was altogether different. The bus from the airport dropped me off in downtown Belfast and I had to walk a mile or two toward Queen's University and my hostel. Other than the fact of being conveniently located, having a decent attached cafe, and featuring some cool dorm-mates, the hostel wasn't great; it was "just a hostel" and had some semi-creepy African refugees that were leering at all the young women traveling alone.

It turns out that my mother's people are actually from Belfast... However, I didn't learn that until I got home. All I knew while on the trip was that Belfast "spoke" to me in a way no other part of Ireland did during the trip. Go figure...

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