Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The land of Eire

Well, after tonight, I've only got 3nts left in Ireland - then it's back home to the daily grind in San Diego. Thus far it's been great though; I just haven't wanted to pay for internet because charges for it are outrageous. Frankly, updating a blog while on the road isn't that important. As of today, however, I'm in a hostel that includes free internet - so I'm making use of it.

I started off my trip in Galway, then headed up to Belfast. Much like other cities that have made others (who haven't been) personally comfortable at the thought...I found that I fell in love with Belfast. It's rough; it's still got issues to resolve; it's got amazing Victorian architecture mixed with a lot of new development given that the city is revitalizing. Anyway, something about it just "resonated" with I wound up staying 5nts. Best decision I've made on this trip. Galway was nice, but I'll ultimately forget it; Belfast I will remember.

More when I'm stateside again...

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